
Snake infestation: Queen warned of venomous snakes as she kicks off summer vacation at Balmoral

  • Queen Elizabeth's summer vacation may feature a few unexpected guests.
  • According to reports, snakes have been seen of the grounds of Balmoral Estate in recent days.
  • Venomous adders have been spotted around the surrounding areas as well. A fully grown adder - adders can grow up to 90cm tall - was seen close to the queen's church.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip will go ahead with their usual plan to spend the summer at Balmoral.

The royal couple arrived at the estate in Scotland on Monday, after social distancing at Windsor Castle since the start of the pandemic. They'd be "following all relevant government guidelines and advice," a spokesperson previously said.

But Her Majesty will have one looming concern over the summer – snakes!

According to Express, the adders, which can grow up to 60 to 90 cm tall, have been pictured on the grounds recently.

The publication reports that a full-grown adder was spotted close to Crathie Kirk – a church frequented by the queen – over the weekend.

They add, a Balmoral ranger's advice to the queen: "If you come across one, give it a wide berth and let it move away..." Yikes! 

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